The papers published in the periodical "Collegium Doctorum" are peer-reviewed.
The process is the following:
1. The author electronically submits the article for consideration to the Office of the Secretary General of the Collegium of Doctors of the Hungarian Reformed Church.
2. Two anonymous experts review and comment on the paper in writing.
3. The responsible editor summarizes the reviews. The paper's acceptance requires two positive statements. One or two negative statements mean the rejection of the paper. The publication of a rejected paper is only possible after revision and a new review process.
The description of the review process is available (in Hungarian) on the official website (
Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Előd Hodossy-Takács
Name and contact details of the publisher:
Kálvin János Publishing House of the Reformed Church of Hungary
1113 Budapest, Bocskai út 35.
Phone: +36-1/386-8267, +36-1/386-8277